Overview of acrylic fiber imports in January-May 2024 – ChinaTexnet.com
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Overview of acrylic fiber imports in January-May 2024

2024-07-22 09:38:10 CCFGroup

The import volume of acrylic fiber in Jan-May this year has remained relatively stable compared to the previous two years. Specifically, from January to May 2022, the import volume was 21,300 tons, similar to 21,400 tons in 2023, but around 22,500 tons this year. The notable increase in April imports, reaching 5,900 tons, stands out as a significant change from previous years.

Over the past two years, the industry has experienced low operating rates in May and June, primarily due to extensive maintenance on two units totaling 300kt at Jilin Chemical Fiber, where capacity utilization was over 40%. This maintenance period overlapped with decreased import volumes, reflecting a downturn in foreign trade. Plants are strategically managing routine maintenance and inventory levels to mitigate challenges during the sluggish late Q2 and early to mid Q3 periods.

From January to May, there have been changes in the proportion of imported ASF and acrylic tow compared to the same period in 2023. ASF increased while acrylic tow decreased. Japan continues to dominate as the primary source of imported ASF, suggesting opportunities for differentiated imports based on essential needs.

Overall, imports of acrylic fiber from January to May showed fluctuations compared to the previous year but remained relatively stable. Jilin Chemical Fiber's new 150kt acrylic fiber unit has been commissioned, partly replacing dry spinning process acrylic fiber with Dralon fiber. The average annual import of Dralon from Germany between 2018 and 2021 was approximately 7,819 tons, excluding the year 2022. This indicates significant potential for substitution pending market acceptance. Looking ahead, as conventional acrylic fibers face increased price competition from other synthetic fibers, blending and differentiation could become key strategies attracting greater market interest.
