CCA cotton crop growing condition and production survey in July, 2021 –
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CCA cotton crop growing condition and production survey in July, 2021

2021-08-23 08:20:33 CCFGroup

According to China Cotton Association's investigation over 2291 growers and 12 major cotton belts in July 2021, cotton planting areas are assessed at 43.4559 million mu nationwide, a fall of 5.47% year on year, and cotton production is forecast at 5.7631 million tons, down 2.71% year on year, up 0.7 percentage point from the June report.

In Xinjiang, the cotton growing development remains worse than last year, but the insect damage is lighter. The yield of Xinjiang cotton may reduce by 0.71% year on year, and production may be 5.2321 million tons, down 0.22% year on year. In Yellow River Basin, the dry weather prevailed in early July, but in end July, heavy rainfall was seen, and cotton crops were damaged. The yield is expected to reduce by 0.93% year on year, and production is forecast at 263.3kt, down 33.45% year on year. In Yangtze River Basin, the weather condition was normal in most cotton belts, and cotton grew well. The yield may rise by 24.48% year on year and production is forecast at 231.7kt, down 6.76% year on year.
