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Sourcing Product Buyer Name Date
150S-40D FDY White a Yue Fung Group 2015-12-24
60 count to 80 count Umangpoddar 2015-12-23
Cotton yarn 30CM, 40 Dandyparks 2015-12-22
polyester fdy yarn, Jotarina 2015-12-22
100% polyester Yarn Msgchina 2015-12-18
NE 30/1 Cotton97% /C Manan Inc 2015-12-15
30s NE viscose yarn Kudu Knit Process Pvt Ltd 2015-12-14
YARN Fortune Idea Fab 2015-12-13
100% Cotton Combed Y Haitex 2015-12-09
NE 30/1, 100% LINEN Epic Ventures 2015-12-04
100% Cotton Compact Uttara Yarn Ltd 2015-12-01
100% polyester yarn Saibaba Exports 2015-11-27
NYLON Yarn D Jewellery Dmcc 2015-11-24
Cotton Yarn 80s, 100 Yue Fung Group / Hickman Int’l 2015-11-24
100% Cotton OE Yarn Prasad Associates 2015-11-24
100% cotton Yarn for Kirubhatex 2015-11-20
100% Acryli yarn Rizwan 2015-11-18
Linen Yarn + Cotton Yue Fung Group / Hickman Int’l 2015-11-17
100% acrylic filamen Naver 2015-11-17
Cotton & Cashmere Ya Yue Fung Group / Hickman Int’l 2015-11-16
Microfiber Yarn Ningbo Voyage Import And Export Company 2015-11-11
100% Acrylic Yarn fr Rita Holding 2015-11-10
cheap dyed ring spun Apereira Jotarina 2015-11-09
POLYESTER/VISCOSE YA Apereira Jotarina 2015-11-09
100% Polyester Yarn Penporn Katai 2015-11-09
polyester and shanee Rizwan 2015-11-09
100% Polyester Yarn Execs International Groups Ltd. 2015-11-05
Open End Cotton Yarn Elpi Trading Company 2015-11-04
TEA BAG COTTON THREA Mak Group Of Companies (pty)ltd 2015-11-03
50/3 polyester Yarn Smartibooy 2015-11-02
Total:2663   Pages:47/89   |‹‹‹41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 ›››|

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