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Sourcing Product Buyer Name Date
N 40D + OP 20D cover Luckysgn Vietnam 2016-12-30
100% Cotton Yarn Liu Jian 2016-12-27
cotton yarn Bed And Bath 2016-12-26
cotton yarn Bed And Bath 2016-12-23
Blended Yarn Roland 2016-12-22
cupra viscose yarn Ad&n Foreign Trade Co 2016-12-21
100% Cotton Open End Textrills International 2016-12-16
polyester high tenac Melvin Hsieh 2016-12-15
T/R YARN Textrills International 2016-12-13
fdy polyester yarn Madhuram Fincap 2016-12-06
100% Cotton Combed Y Hamnah Textile (pvt) Ltd. 2016-12-05
Polyester/Cotton Soc Bozoglu Tekstil Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.s. 2016-12-05
Hand knitting yarn Cv. Papiput 2016-12-01
Lyocell Bamboo Yarn Suraabi 2016-11-28
100% Spun Polyester Feyz Textile 2016-11-21
OE flame retardant p Gmm Trading 2016-11-17
ACRYLIC YARN Arvin International Trading Co 2016-11-16
100% Polyester dyed Nguyen Duc Import Export Co., Ltd. 2016-11-09
PA yarns Agl Resources Int Ltd 2016-11-02
Open End %100 Cotton Suncopr 2016-10-31
thick quality yarn f Earth Link 2016-10-28
100% polyester yarn Ruby 2016-10-27
100% Cotton OPEN END Blinks International Co. Ltd. 2016-10-25
Nm 200/2 Spun silk y Dalian Yuanxin International Trading Co. 2016-10-20
PP textured yarn Multiplastika Srl 2016-10-18
100% Cotton Yarn Blinks International Co. Ltd. 2016-10-18
100% Cotton Yarn (O. Ozkasif Tekstil Ve Dis Ticaret Sanayi Lt 2016-10-17
natural Jute spun Ya Incotex Agro Pvt.ltd. 2016-10-17
looking for Angola r Importing Yarn 2016-10-17
natural Jute spun Ya Incotex Agro Pvt.ltd. 2016-10-14
Total:2663   Pages:42/89   |‹‹‹41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 ›››|

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