ICE cotton futures market declines –
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ICE cotton futures market declines

2024-09-19 10:15:47 CCFGroup

ICE cotton futures market declined. Contract of Dec closed at 71.27cent/lb, down 0.89cent/lb and contract of Mar closed at 72.99cent/lb, down 0.70cent/lb. U.S. Fed reduced the target for its key lending rate by 0.5 percentage points, which met market expectations and ICE cotton moved lower after large rebound previously.

Cotlook A Index reduced by 0.7cent/lb to 83.75cent/lb.

Contract (cent/lb) Closing price Highest Lowest Daily change Daily change (%)
ICE Dec 71.27 72.57 70.2 -0.89 -1.23%
ICE Mar 72.99 74.06 71.94 -0.7 -0.95%

