ICE cotton futures market rises –
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ICE cotton futures market rises

2024-09-13 09:32:31 CCFGroup

ICE cotton futures market rose. Contract of Dec closed at 70.38cent/lb, up 0.77cent/lb and contract of Mar closed at 71.81cent/lb, up 0.64cent/lb. The market continued to rise as USDA lowered 2024/25 global cotton production and ending stocks, and meanwhile, the hurricane continued to impact the market.

Cotlook A Index rose by 1.5cent/lb to 81.10cent/lb.

Contract (cent/lb) Closing price Highest Lowest Daily change Daily change (%)
ICE Dec 70.38 70.59 69.3 0.77 1.11%
ICE Mar 71.81 72.1 70.82 0.64 0.90%

