ICE cotton futures market keeps downward –
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ICE cotton futures market keeps downward

2024-07-25 09:00:41 CCFGroup

ICE cotton futures market kept downward. Contract of Dec closed at 68.65cent/lb, down 0.83cent/lb and contract of Mar closed at 70.41cent/lb, down 0.95cent/lb. Financial markets in Europe and the United States slipped and market sentiment was poor. In short, bearish sentiment may be strong and the market may keep down after hitting below 70cent/lb.

Cotlook A Index reduced by 1.15cent/lb to 79.75cent/lb.

Contract (cent/lb) Closing price Highest Lowest Daily change Daily change (%)
ICE Dec 68.65 69.53 67.5 -0.83 -1.19%
ICE Mar 70.41 71.43 69.4 -0.95 -1.33%

