The record of Wuhai Guangjin BDO-PBAT integration project confirmed –
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The record of Wuhai Guangjin BDO-PBAT integration project confirmed

2023-05-30 10:09:30 CCFGroup

The confirmation of the registration of the BDO-PBAT integrated project of Wuhai Guangjin New Materials Co., Ltd. was announced on May 23rd by the Wuhai Development and Reform Commission.

Project Overview

Project name: Wuhai Guangjin New Materials Co., Ltd. BDO-PBAT integration project.

Total investment: 5.777 billion Yuan

Construction site: Low-Carbon Industrial Park, Wuhai High-Tech Industrial Development Zone.

Construction unit: Wuhai Guangjin New Materials Co., Ltd.

Construction scale: The project will be built in two phases. The first phase will construct a 300kt/year 1,4-butylene glycol (BDO) project, as well as a 120kt/year acetylene-electricity and 3x100kt/year BDO (1,4-butylene glycol) units, 3x240kt /year formaldehyde (37%) units, along with supporting public works and auxiliary facilities. The main BDO equipment will use acetylene-aldehyde technology, with acetylene gas from the acetylene unit, formaldehyde solution from the formaldehyde unit, and hydrogen gas from the upstream unit as raw materials for production of 1,4-butylene glycol (BDO) products. The second phase will include a 300kt/year biodegradable plastic (PBAT) project, with 5 sets of 60kt/year PBAT equipment and supporting public works and auxiliary facilities. The 300kt/year PBAT equipment will use ester exchange technology, with purified terephthalic acid (PTA), adipic acid (AA) purchased from outside, and BDO produced from the upstream unit as raw materials for production of PBAT slices, with a byproduct of 32/year of tetrahydrofuran.
