Peru decides not to adopt final safeguard measures on imported clothing products –
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Peru decides not to adopt final safeguard measures on imported clothing products

2023-03-13 08:05:24 CCFGroup

On March 1, 2023, the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism issued the Supreme Decree No. 002-2023 in the official daily "Peruvian". It was decided not to take final safeguard measures for imported clothing products after discussion by a multi-departmental committee. The decree pointed out that the report of the Dumping, Subsidy and Elimination of Tariff Barriers Committee of the Peruvian National Competition and Intellectual Property Protection Agency showed that based on the information and evidence collected, it was impossible to conclude that the domestic industry suffered serious damage from imported clothing during the investigation period. In addition, the multi-departmental committee believed that the investigation did not take into account the scope and diversity of the products under investigation, and the import volume of a large number of products under the tax code has not increased enough to cause serious damage to the domestic industry. The case was filed on December 24, 2021, and the preliminary ruling on May 14, 2022 decided not to take interim safeguard measures for the time being, and the investigation ended on July 21, 2022. After that, the investigation agency issued a final decision technical report and submitted it to the multi-departmental committee for evaluation.
