Nylon textile filament export growth largely falls in H2 2022 – ChinaTexnet.com
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Nylon textile filament export growth largely falls in H2 2022

2022-12-09 08:24:44 CCFGroup

NFY export growth falls largely


NFY exports.png

In the third quarter of 2022, we have noticed a dramatic fall in the growth rate of nylon 6 textile filament exports from China, to almost zero growth in October 2022, in contrast to the 23% average growth rate in the first ten months of 2022, and in more obvious contrast to the 43% growth rate in Apr.


The fall was mainly caused by the decline in nylon 6 POY, FDY and HOY products (HS code: 54024510), which dropped 9% year-on-year in October 2022, down significantly from the highest growth of 77% in June 2022, and yet its cumulative growth in Jan-Oct 2022 was still high as 31%.


In comparison with the exports in the past three years, nylon 6 POY, FDY and HOY products (HS code: 54024510) have seen a big step higher in 2022. This increase was mainly from below countries


Nylon 6 POY/FDY/HOY export in negative growth in Oct

POYFDY exports.png

Export of nylon 6 POY, FDY and HOY products (HS code: 54024510) has achieved evident growth in most months of 2022, especially in June 2022, as the growth rate reached 77% the year, while it started to fall ever since, to -9% in Oct.


The export volume in the year peaked in Aug at 10,832mt, with a year-on-year growth of 44%. And except for the month of Feb, which was affected by the Spring Festival, the lowest export volume appeared in Oct as well, at 7,280mt.


POY destinations.png


Judging from the major destinations of nylon 6 POY/FDY/HOY, we see similar trends of decline in Aug-Oct in India, South Korea and Brazil, especially exports to India and South Korea. It is obvious to tell that the fall in exports the largest two destinations of India and South Korea caused the continuous decline in Aug-Oct. Exports to Turkey, Vietnam and Sri Lanka was basically steady in the year, so their volumes do not affect the total export volume evidently.


Nylon 6 DTY export maintains positive growth in the year

DTY exports.png


Export of nylon 6 DTY (HS code: 54023111) has seen positive growth in most months of 2022, except for a negative rate of -1% in September. Judging from the monthly export, they were quite flat during May-Oct, with monthly volumes waving narrowly between 7,214mt~7,627mt. In January 2022, the export volume reached 8,373mt in Jan, which was also the highest month in the year.


DTY desinations.png


Brazil is the largest export destination of nylon 6 DTY, with Turkey and Bangladesh following as second and third largest. The volumes to Italy, Mexico and Vietnam were similar.


The trends of the major destinations show different development. Exports to Brazil peaked in Jul, and narrowly lowered in Aug-Oct. Turkey saw exports evidently higher in H1 2022 and much lower volumes in Jul-Aug, but re-expanding volumes in Sep-Oct. Bangladesh saw exports peaked in Apr, and exports in the other months waved narrowly. Exports to Italy witnessed a continuous decline in Jun-Oct. Mexico and Vietnam’s volumes were shivering narrowly and did not show any particular trend.
