Shaanxi Shanhua's BDO second phase alkynation efficiency improvement project starts operation successfully –
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Shaanxi Shanhua's BDO second phase alkynation efficiency improvement project starts operation successfully

2022-11-10 08:10:20 CCFGroup

Recently, the second phase of the alkynation efficiency improvement project from Shaanxi Shanhua was successfully started up at one time, completed the activation of the catalyst, and produced qualified 1,4 butynediol.The second phase of BDO alkynation efficiency improvement project is a key project for Shaanxi Shanhua to improve both BDO production capacity and efficiency, which will completely solve the problem of insufficient supply of BYD, and lay a solid foundation for Shaanxi Shanhua to increase its daily production of 60 tons of BDO, increase its BDO production capacity by more than 20%, and break through the annual output of 150kt/year of BDO.


The project was built in Sep 2021 and the machinery was completed on Sep 15, 2022, turning to the commissioning stage. 


