Polyester industrial chain affected by the lockdown of Zhenhai District – ChinaTexnet.com
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Polyester industrial chain affected by the lockdown of Zhenhai District

2021-12-09 12:52:55 CCFGroup

Ningbo initiated a level 1 emergency response this morning. Zhenhai District implemented temporary lockdown measures and the entire district organized large-scale nucleic acid testing, including a detection point in the site of Zhongjin Petrochemical.

Product Company Capacity Plant operation Impact
PX Sinopec Zhenhai 750 Normal operation Loading suspended
Zhongjin Petrochemical 1600 Normal operation Supplying to Yisheng New Material, no outward transportation
Zhejiang Petrochemcial 9000 Operating rate at 60%  
Total 1135 accounting for 35.4% of total; Zhenhai 7.3%
PTA Yisheng New Materials 3600 Operating rate lowering Logistics restriction
FCFC 1200 Normal operation  
Liwan Polyester 700 shutdown  
Yisheng Ningbo 650 shutdown  
2000 Normal operation  
2200 Normal operation  
Total 10350 accounting for 15.6% of total; Zhenhai 5.4%
MEG Sinopec Zhenhai 650 O/R at 70% Shipping at terminal stops
Fund Energy 500 shutdown  
Total 1150 accounting for 35.4%; Zhenhai 7.3%
Polyester There are 7 polyester companies in Ningbo and nearby, including Dawo, Quandi, Huaxing, Zhuocheng, Dafa, Keren and Jinbi, totally with 1,770kt/year of polyester capacity. There is no unit in Zhenhai District. 
Total 1770 accounting for  2.7%; Zhenhai 0%


PX capacity amounts to 11.35 million mt/yr in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, accounting for 35% of the total in China. There are two PX producers in Zhenhai District of Ningbo, i.e. Zhongjin Petrochemical and Sinopec Zhenhai (ZRCC), with PX capacity of 1.6 million mt/yr and 750kt/yr respectively. Zhongjin Petrochemical mainly supplies PX to downstream Yisheng New Material's PTA plant, but does not rely on outbound logistics.

As of the time of this writing, the two PX plants mentioned above are running stably. However, the loading of cargoes is suspended due to logistics restriction at the port. The recovery is dependent on further government notice.


PTA capacity in Ningbo totals 10.35 million tons, accounting for 15.6% of the total domestic production capacity. Among them, the 3.6 million tons/year PTA unit of Yisheng New Materials is located in Zhenhai. It is heard that the operating rate of the PTA unit has lowered. Meanwhile, Zhenhai District have implemented lockdown measures to contain the covid-19 pandemic and the logistics has been also has affected. The company is still negotiating for passes.


Affected by the spread of the pandemic in Ningbo, Zhenhai District has implemented a temporary closed management policy, and all areas (villages) prohibit non-residential people of the district from entering. It is reported that although current production of Ningbo polyester plants has not been affected, its polyester raw material transport is impacted, not ruling out future production to be affected. CCFGroup will follow up it later.
