Yarn output of China in Jan-Sep 2021 by province – ChinaTexnet.com
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Yarn output of China in Jan-Sep 2021 by province

2021-12-07 08:19:40 CCFGroup
Region Jan-Sep 2021 (Unit:10,000 tons) Jan-Sep 2021 YOY change (%)
Tianjin 0.45 -32.84%
Hebei 43.4 -13.20%
Shanxi 1.77 13.46%
Inner Mongolia 0.18 5.88%
Liaoning 2.28 14.57%
Jilin 1.36 24.77%
Heilongjiang 0.85 32.81%
Shanghai 0.94 28.77%
Jiangsu 257.56 20.24%
Zhejiang 111.98 18.08%
Anhui 54.11 -5.12%
Fujian 414.99 7.24%
Jiangxi 111.22 14.48%
Shandong 273.78 20.83%
Henan 228.82 8.41%
Hubei 221.47 20.40%
Hunan 68.93 -25.91%
Guangdong 18.62 7.26%
Guangxi 4.63 16.62%
Chongqing 3.45 55.41%
Sichuan 54.46 23.77%
Guizhou 1.54 120.00%
Yunnan 0.92 0.00%
Shaanxi 25.76 13.18%
Gansu 1.06 125.53%
Ningxia 10.31 31.17%
Xinjiang 162.9 23.62%
Note: Yarn here includes cotton yarn, cotton blended yarn, chemical fiber yarn, excluding cotton thread, substitutionary fiber yarn and hand-spun yarn. Source: National Bureau of Statistic of the People’s Republic of China

