leather fabric for sofas – ChinaTexnet.com
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leather fabric for sofas

leather fabric for sofas
Date Posted:2016-12-07 10:06:33
Expiration Date:long
Note: Dear Sir or MadamWe are furniture manufacturing in Thailand, Kongka Manufacturer Company Limited. And, we are currently sourcing finished cow leather.Below, you can find the details on the leather we are currently using; Semi-Aniline Leather 1. Chromium Tan (Wet Blue)2. Dye Method: Analine3. Full Grain4. Color as the attached image (We want the color to be very similar to this)5. fifty-five sq.foot on average We would be grateful if you could recommend us the better one or equally as good than the one above. I look forward to hearing from you. 

WeChat: jameskuladej Whatsapp: +66869832788
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Kongka Manufacturer Company Limited.

Address: Thailand

Contact: James

Phone: 66869832788




