baby hooded towels animal design –
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baby hooded towels animal design

baby hooded towels animal design
Date Posted:2017-01-04 10:11:31
Expiration Date:long

Dear Sir/Madam,
I’m looking for suppliers who can produce us Monkey design baby hooded towel as shown in the picture attached below with the following specifications:
Size :90*90
Fabric :Cotton with polyester (almost 80% cotton)
GSM : 380
This is Wholesale USA Global Trading.
We would be interested in Launching your product in the US and UK
market. The BABY HOODED TOWEL is required 4000-8000 pieces every time the
stock finishes.
In order to check your services and quality of time management we would like to
test order 300 pieces at first. If satisfied then we make you our global partner
where we will talk this product from you for launching in any country worldwide.
As the demand and market share increase we will be ordering more and more. But
we need timely delivery. We are also looking forward to best freight rates in the
market for our products and hope you have best freight prices on board.
As per our market research the target price for this product is 1.7USD. Please let
us know if you can fit our budget price target so we may proceed with management
approvals and sampling.
For Fast Response Please contact us on email as we are receiving a lot of supplier emails and it’s easier to fix the deal through
email for quick action.
Please revert back to us ONLY IF YOU CA MEET THE TARGET PRICE .

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Bulk Arena


Contact: Bulk Arena





