Suppliers Santoni( Shanghai) knitting machinery Co.,Ltd knitting machine
Details for China knitting machine

knitting machine

knitting machine
Product Type:

Textile Machinery >> Knitting machines

Keyword: knitting machine
If you are interested, please contact us!
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Detailed Product Description
Specifications: Single jersey electronical circular machine with 8 feeds with 1 selection point per feed. For the hight production of single body-size garments, for underwear, outwear, beachwear, sportswear, sanitarywear; terry possibility on request. System patented by SANTONI. It allows the realization on the 8 feeds of patterns having a high definition and sharpness of the color.
Contact us
Company Name: Santoni( Shanghai) knitting machinery Co.,Ltd  
Company Address: Weiqing Road(E),Shanyang Town,Jinshang Dis. 
Zip: 201508 
Contact Person: Eric 
Telephone Number: 021-4646564 
Mobile: 13795399589 
Fax Number: 021-4654645 
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