Suppliers Guangdong Hengnu Industrial Co.,Ltd
Company Info

Guangdong Hengnu Industrial Co.,Ltd is a large-size industrial enterprise,serving customers in garment manufacture and distribution. We introduce the advanced production facilities and up-to-data managerment mode,lay stress on marketing research and readjust industrial structure . That aims to broaden our business view , achieve a healthy and speedy enhancement for our economy

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Company Name: Guangdong Hengnu Industrial Co.,Ltd 
Company Address: 5 Floor Yuanjin Building,No 14,Yuanjin Road ,Guangzhou City Guangdong 
Zip: 510040 
Contact Person: MR.SU 
Telephone Number: 020-86272373 86272786 86272701 
Fax Number: +86-20-86271163 
Email: cn 
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