Suppliers Shaanxi Homway Business Trading Company Limited
Company Info

Shaanxi Homway Business Trading Company Limited mainly deals with willow waving products, including baskets for bread, baskets with handle, trays and laundry baskets. We also provide maize products, such as round mats, floor mats, door mats, cushions, baby baskets, and baskets for small things. Our Oaten products include various kinds of bags, purses and hats for children and decoration for Christmas trees. We also deal with glassware, such as vases, candle holders, steins, bowls, and dishes. We mainly export the above mentioned goods to the USA, Europe, and Southeast Asia. We enjoy a high reputation among our clients.

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Contact us
Company Name: Shaanxi Homway Business Trading Company Limited 
Company Address: No.33 north hanguang road,wenhua building B405 
Zip: 710068 
Contact Person: Ms. an na 
Telephone Number: 86-29-85220408 
Fax Number:  
Company Info