Established in 2002, Shanghai Bofider Industry Co., Ltd. our office is in shanghai. And we have two factories. One is in Wenzhou which manufactures pp woven bag, non woven bag, paper bag and the like shopping bags. The other is in Guangzhou which produces leather goods such as leather bag, wallet, laptop bag, solar bag and special designs as yours. Relying on competitive price, superior quality and excellent service, our products are spread around the American, European, Korean and Japanese markets. If you have any request, Pls let me know, we will do our best to satisfy your need. You can refer to our style or give us samples or drawing for price comparison, making samples or placing order, and also we have got one department for developing and designing for the sample style. In this case, you just only let us know what kind of products you want and give us your logo, so we can draw