Company Info
Our showroom and factory is only 20 minutes' drive away from the famous Canton Fair site of Guangzhou. Our factory produces a large variety of bags, such as ladies' bags, wallets, Iicensor bags, computer briefcases as well as gift and promotional items. The main materials include PU, PVC, canvas, and texture materials in various colors.
We have own silk screen printing and high frequency embossed workshop in house. Our sample making workshop is very efficient to meet customer's sample demands. With our strong skilled workforce, sound quality control system and good management, we are able to keep merchandise delivered on time and with excellent quality. Approximately, 55% of our products are exported to foreign countries and regions, such as North America, Europe and Japan.
Customer's designs and OEM orders are welcomed.
Company Name: | Sky Industrial Co., Ltd. |
Company Address: | No.5 DayaWei Industrial Park,XinLian,LiShui Town,Nahai,FoShan City.GuangdongProvince,China |
Zip: | 528244 |
Contact Person: | Mr. Xiao Ping Guan |
Telephone Number: | 86-757-85604688 |
Mobile: | |
Fax Number: | 86-757-85604677 |
QQ: | 0 |
Email: | |
Homepage: | |
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