HuaYi Nonwoven Bag Factory was established in 2002. Located in one of the most economically dynamic cities in China - Guangzhou, China, our factory has internationally advanced production equipment, perfect management systems and professional technical experience. Our main business scope covers Nonwoven bags, Nonwoven Handbags, Environment protective nonwoven Bags, Nonwoven lace bags, Oxford high gift bags, floral charpie bags, lamination/paragraph bags, business suit bags, Lining bags, document bags, transparent bags, shopping bags, advertising bags, advertising aprons and Cosmetic portable bags. Our materials of products include composition materials, non-woven fabric and Eco-friendly materials of OPP, PP, PO and PE. Our mission is to meet the unique demands of our customers. We adhere to the "integrity-based, win-win" philosophy. With fashion styles, excellent workm