Suppliers Guangzhou Gelan Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Company Info

Guangzhou Glant Network Technological Limited Corporation is a professional leather handbags manufacturer. Professional&High-integrity make us lead leather industry. We wholesale all leather handbags, purses, wallets and evening bags. We have a professional designers team to innovate new styles all the time. We keep listerning to our customers(like handbag shops and wholesalers), and studying the fashion trends(big international brands). We offer unbeatable lowest factory price in the market. We manufacture ourselves, so you are dealing with factory directly without middle man. We warmly welcome you can come and visit our factory. We are trustworthy wholesale factory. What we ship just as what we display in our showroom. We have great numbers of happy customers all over the world.. In USA, we have established long-term partnership with around 10000 on line traders, shop owne

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Contact us
Company Name: Guangzhou Gelan Network Technology Co., Ltd. 
Company Address: Room 301 No.36 Guangyuan Zhong Road Guangzhou 
Contact Person: Ms. Elena Zhang 
Telephone Number: 01-299-2991 
Mobile: 15989207855 
Fax Number:  
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