Suppliers Guangzhou Panyu Jihong Industrial Co., Ltd.
Company Info
Company Name: Guangzhou Panyu Jihong Industrial Co., Ltd.

Established year: 1992

Product Ranges:
1. Household Plastic Products
2. Household appliances
3. Storage Cases
4. Packing Materials

1. ISO9001:2000
2. National Safety and Environmental Protection Product Quality Certification
3. UN Registered Supplier Certification

Factory Area: 5, 000 Sq. meters

Total No. of employees in factory: 1860

No. of QA/QC: 60

Main Customers:
1. War-mart
2. Carrefour
3. Target
4. Longman Press

List of Main Machinery in Factory:
1. 80 Injection Machines
2: 25 Blown Film Extrusion Machines
3. 20 Fold Bag Machines
4. 10 Milling Machines
5. 9 Ultrasonic Machines
6. 5 Printing Machines
7. 6 High Frequency Machines
8. 5 Punching Machines
Contact us
Company Name: Guangzhou Panyu Jihong Industrial Co., Ltd. 
Company Address: No.8 Hesha Road, Hesha Village, Lanhe Town, Panyu 
Zip: 511480 
Contact Person: Mr. Bryant and Leo and Jack 
Telephone Number: 86-020-39970355 
Fax Number: 86-020-39970819 
Company Info