Fairland leather & Bags Factory integrates leather study, design, production and trade together. We have 200 skilled workers, high quality assurance team and professional management staff. Our products sell well in Japan, the USA, Europe, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. As a professional manufacturer of leather goods and bags products, we have a broad range of competitive items, including backpack,tote bags, cosmetic bags/cases, sports bags,traveling bags, wine bags, cooler/ice/lunch bags, shopping bags, waist bags, computer bags, wallets, name card holder, purse, key purse, credit card purses,cellphone straps,stationery sets, jewelry case/box, watch box/cases, Portable lap desk,orgainer ,drawer storage organizer,storage bin,gift boxes, MP3/4 player cases ,belts and so on. Customers' logos are allowed to show on our products. Furthermore, we are pleased to offer OEM