Founded in 1980, Dongguan Jushun Leather Factory is a private enterprise engaged in the production of ladies' bags, leisure bags, school bags, backpacks, sports bags, shopping bags and trolley luggage. Our factory is located in Houjie Town, Dongguan City, close to Guangzhou-Shenzhen Highway. Our firm covers an area of 6,000 square meters with a construction area of 5,000 square meters. Our factory owns two production buildings and one office building, one six-floor living building and 2 large-scale warehouses. Our factory has complete production equipment and large-scale technical capacity of bag production. Our factory has two restaurants, and the dormitory is equipped with complete cold and hot water supply facilities. We also have medical rooms, TV rooms, reading rooms, training rooms, table tennis rooms, Kara OK rooms, badminton courts and basketball courts. Our factory has