Cangnan Xinyan Non-woven Bags Factory is located in Wenzhou, which is the capital of gifts and printing in China. We are specialized in all kinds of bags and related products, such as fashion shopping bags, suit covers, cooler bags and beach mats. We use PET, PP, PE, woven and nonwoven materials. Our products are great for homes as gifts for promotions and more. Our factory employs more than 450 workers and boasts a 350,000-piece daily capacity. We can also make goods according to customers' requirements, including design rendering, packaging, materials sourcing and evaluation. We win clients around the world, with our good prices, high quality, prompt delivery, and the best service. In this competitive market, we implement our management policies of "survive by quality, honesty, and promoting sales by lowering profit margins". We warmly welcome you to join us and estab