Our company is located in Guangzhou. We are professional to provide you with the high quality brand products. We export genuine leather handbags, designers' handbags, cheap handbags, watches, men's and women's shoes, bikinis, hats, sunglasses, hoodies, men's and women's suits, t-shirts, shirts, accessories, hair straighteners, jerseys and bed coverings at factory prices. With strong innovation, we launch new products every 1-2 weeks We have a professional QC team to check quality all the time. We keep listening to our customers (like shops and wholesalers) and studying the fashion trends (big international brands). We regularly launch new styles every 1-2 weeks on our website. Please visit frequently our on-line showroom: www.juciyfactory.com. We offer the lowest factory prices in the market. You can compare our price with others (of course in the sam