Suppliers Guangzhou Cardel Fashion Handbags Co., Ltd.
Company Info
Guangzhou Cardel Fashion Handbags Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer specializing in luggage, handbags, leather bags, gift bags and cosmetic bags. Our factory covers an area of 3000 square meters and has more than 300 skilled workers in the processing lines. We produce about 600,000 bags per month and all the bags are made in accordance with the inspection standard of AQSIQ. We have a designing office in Hong Kong for bag design, sample development and fashion information collection.

We pushed "Best" handbag in 1998. This brand caused a hit in China immediately. On this basis, we developed "Cardel" fashion handbags and ladies' handbags in 2001 and also got good sales performance in Southeast Asia. With the market expansion, "Cardel" handbags and luggage have got good development in Europe and America.

As a professional manufacturer, we can offer you good design, reasonable quotation, fast sample delivery and on time delivery. We are looking forward to cooperating with you.
Contact us
Company Name: Guangzhou Cardel Fashion Handbags Co., Ltd. 
Company Address: Room 1810, Yanqiao Building, No.89, Yanling Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province. China 
Zip: 510507 
Contact Person: Ms. Cardel Lorry 
Telephone Number: 0086-20-37301141 
Mobile: 13560373282 
Fax Number: 0086-20-37301141 
Company Info