Dongyang Talin Bags & Accessories Co., Ltd. was founded in 2004 as an exporter and manufacturer,which is located in the boundary of Yiwu and Dongyang.We are a complex company which integrates design,manufacture,development and trade together.We mainly manufacture handbags,non-woven bags,cooler bags,travel bags,cosmetic bags,folding bags,beach bags,backpacks and shopping bags. Our factory have more than 100 workers,and the workshop includes design department,sewing department,packing department,sale department.The products are mainly sold to US and EU market,which is suitable for retail,wholesale,as well as promotional purposes.OEM is warmly welcome. We are always trying our best to offer the products with competitive price,excellent quality and comprehensive service to customers. What's more,we also have a trading department.With 3 years' accumulation of export experie