Guangzhou Teli Leather Factory is a large sized leather manufacture enterprise which integrates development, production and sale together. We specialize in designing, manufacturing and exporting all kinds of lady's fashion handbags. Our factory is located in the "Leather Capital" - Shiling Town, Huadu District, Guangzhou. Our brand is "Teli", covering a series of ladies' handbags. Our products are famous for the unique conception of qualified life in the area of ladies' handbags, combining leisure and fashionable designs. We sell bags, handbags, lady's handbags, fashion handbags, shoulder handbags, tote handbags, fabric handbags, designer handbags, hobo handbags, shopping handbags, backpacks, PU handbags, denim fashion handbags, topmost handbags, latest handbags, casual handbags, lady's fashion handbags, trendy fashion handbags, trendy designer han