Shenzhen City Zemei Handbag Limited was founded in 2009, specialized in the operation and production of all kinds of handbags, wallets,Lady's bags,Laptop bags,Computer bags,CD bags, Backpacks,Briefcases,Camera bag,Trolley bags,Shoulder bags,Tote bags,and Duffel bags. Besides,we also supply many Toys,Stationery,Gifts,Electronics,and so on.Your own design or sample is welcomed,and we are willing to make the bags and other products according to your detailed requirements.Zemei Handbag Limited has a very strict quality standards.And all of our products are export to Japan completely.Quality is the lifeline of our factory.As we have strict control on material quality ,like the quality of PVC,nylon,polyester and canvas.We are able to provide you with what you want,as long as you give us your sample or detailed requirements.We deeply know that the great importance of high-quality for both
Company Name: | Shenzhen Zemei Handbag Limited |
Company Address: | Building No.3,No.58 Puxia Rd.,Liuyue,Henggang Town,Longgang District,ShenZhen 518173 P.R China |
Zip: | 518173 |
Contact Person: | Mr. Michael TU |
Telephone Number: | 0086-0755-82440173 |
Mobile: | 13570841079 |
Fax Number: | 0086-0755-82265960 |
Email: | |
Homepage: | |