Company Info
Our workshop covers 2600 square meters, equipped with advanced equipment. Our products include backpacks, school bags, traveling bags, sports bags, shopping bags, cooler bags, cosmetic bags, briefcases and laptop bags. There are all kinds of materials, such as oxford fabric, canvas, PVC and PU leather. We have made bags for famous domestic and overseas brands, controlling quality very well.
Our sales and technical advisers have more than 4 years' experience. We promise to answer your inquiry within 24 hours, make sample fast and control quality strictly.
We would be happy to provide detailed information and samples to any potential customers, also welcome OEM and ODM orders. We can recommend new designs according to your requirements every week. If you are looking for a bag supplier from China, please contact with us without any hesitation. You will feel satisfied with us.
Company Name: | Xiamen Helen Industry & Trade Co., Ltd. |
Company Address: | Floor 3,No 1-1 factory build.,Fanghu Industry&Trade Co.,Ltd |
Zip: | 361009 |
Contact Person: | Ms. helen zhang |
Telephone Number: | 86-592-5727363 |
Mobile: | 008613306016161 |
Fax Number: | 86-592-5795670 |
QQ: | 0 |
Email: | |
Homepage: | |
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