JIAXING ECO IMPORT & EXPORT CO.,LTD is set up by ZHEJIANG GOAT ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD and JIASHAN FEIDASI PLASTIC PACKAGING MATERIAL FACTORY. Both two factories located in the same city and have rich experiences in OEM Service and Design Service, and win a good reputation in their own industry. Within the same purpose of supplying Eco-friendly products to the worldwide, optimizing and integrating our resources, we established this new trading company. Most of the products are manufactured via our own factories,so we have obvious advantages than other trading company especially in quality control and product design service. BUSSINESS SCOPE: Polylactic acid (PLA) products. Home products, Safe & Protect products,AUTO ACOUSTICS ,LED LIGHT,AUTO ACCESSORIES ADVANTAGES: We located in the golden place of Yangzi River Delta, has good traffic condition. It costs less than 2 hours f