Qianzhou street youlian village huishan wuxi jiangsuOur History: GOLDEN FISH GLOBAL CO.,LIMITED,Website:http://www.gfgbags.com, is located in Yiwu, Zhejiang, China, covering an area of more than 1500 square meters.Our factory has 5 years experience in making bags, which mainly separate into 5 parts, as Travel Bag, Sports Bag, Dance Bag, Beach Bag, and Souvenir Bags,etc., We supply bags to trading companies in the past time, doing many custom bags with good quality and reasonable price, now we decide to face direct to customers.Our factory have more than 10 designers, local or abroad cooperation, we issue new products each month with high acceptance to the market.You design, we make or we design, you decide. Our bags have been exported to many countries, like Spain, Mexico, USA, Canada, Australia, Paris, Italy, Korea, etc,.Looking forward to cooperate with you..Please feel free