Guangzhou Nile Leatherware Factory is a professional factory located in Guangzhou, China. We manufacture and export different kinds of leather and PU bags & cases with ten years' experience. With superior quality and competitive price, you will find us as your right choice in China.Please check our website for your reference. We look forward to working with you in the near future.Our Product RangeHandbags, wallets, backpacks, belts, briefcases, camera bags, card cases, CD/DVD bags, cell phone case, coin purses, computer bags, cooler bags, cosmetic bags, eyeglass cases, garment bags, electronic holders, jewelry cases, key wallets, luggage & trolleys, MP3/PDA cases, organizers, passport holders, school bags, shopping bags, shoulder bags, sports bags, tote bags, travel bags, waist bags, and different kinds of leather goods. The main materials are leather, split leather, bond lea