Established in 1993, Heyang Bags Factory is one of the largest and best development enterprises in Quanzhou, Fujian. Our company covers an area of more than 16,000 square meters, and owns the registered trademark of "heyang" and "ibaby". We are a professional and experienced manufacturer specialized in bags. We have a wide range of bags for your selection, such as diaper bags, mummy bags, bottle bags, baby carriers, travel bags, cooler bags, shopping bags, school bags, waist bags, pencil bags, picnic bags and other related products. Adhering to the principle of "quality first, people-oriented", we provide the most perfect after-sale service for customers. With many years of efforts, We have become the industry's elite. We wish to be your best choice to be success. Looking forward to your visiting all the time. We will sincerely serve for you with