Suppliers wetdonkeyhides private limited
Company Info

Wet Salted Donkey Hides   Weight: 8 to 17 kgs Average weight: approx. 11.5 kgs Selection: 80% A, 20% B   - 100 % Pure Donkey Hides. No horse hides, mule hides or hides from other animals - No defective hides with mildew, shedding, rot, worm eating, fattiness or other objections. - No foal hides and hides fragment (Head, leg and other remnants). - No visible rosette-shaped fragmentation. - Quality Standard Salt. - Arsenic: <1 / 1,000,000 Hg: < 1 / 10,000,000 Plumbum: < 2 / 1,000,000 Cadmium: < 1 / 10,000,000 Cuprum: < 7 / 1,000,000 Chromium: < 1 / 1,000,000    

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Company Name: wetdonkeyhides private limited 
Company Address: maroua 
Contact Person: frankamed 
Telephone Number: 237679275604 
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