Suppliers Surhonteks
Company Info

JV LLC «Surhonteks» started its activity since 1980 and today is one of the largest manufacturers of 100% cotton yarn in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The Company is equipped with high-technological yarn equipment supplied from leading european manufacturers: RIETER, Truetzschler Schlafhors, Zinser, SuaurerCzech, Staubli and Demsan. JV LLC «Surhonteks» manufactures and sells cotton yarn for weaving and knitted application. Monthly yarn output by numbers is 250-300 tons. The Company uses only the best cotton grown in the most favorable cotton regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan including Bukhara, Samarkand, Kashkadarya and Surkhandarya. 100 % cotton yarn is exported to many CIS countries and far abroad including Turkey, Russia, China, Germany and other. JV LLC «Surhonteks» always establishes long-time commercial relationships with the customers usin

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Contact us
Company Name: Surhonteks 
Company Address: Nukus str. 86/3, 100015 Tashkent City, Uzbekistan 
Zip: 100015  
Contact Person: Zafar Gafurov 
Telephone Number: 998712550404 
Fax Number: 998712157218 