Guangzhou Jinke Handbag Co., Ltd., founded in August 2002, is a medium-sized enterprise that concentrates on the design, development, production, and sales of the handbags. Our company has a group of high quality specialized technicians and a standard modernized workshop which covers more than 4,000 square meters, and there are more than 200 workers in our company. Our company always takes "the good faith, high quality, matter of fact" as the objective. Our firm has achieved development goals, based on the faithful cooperation and the development of togetherness. Our goods are leisure bag, travel bag, briefcase, knapsack, and school bag, which are sold in more than 20 countries all over the world like the USA. Our company has been chosen to be their processing agency by some well-known domestic brands such as Play Boy, Meng Tejiao, and Li Ning. We have registered our own