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field. Another head to see a factory chimney, the top being to spit tobacco. That's not going to plant apricots, this area has many factories clouds. Dust obscured the distance, all alone stands a cherry tree. Its roots have a statue of Jizo statues, a man walked by it. Apricots Ningmu a look, that's what the night wood. At this time the factory to work less. Apricots raised a hand, loud greeting. She is close to the visible expression of the wood where the night and found the eyes of a gloomy night wood. Sudden surge of anxiety in my heart. Night wood look wrong. He staggered, unsteady. Apricots aware of what he must do in the factory took place. "Today, well back early yet." "A little bad happened ......" Night wood deadpanned. The eyes are all emotional paralysis, beast-like eyes. Apricots sad. She does not want to look like the night exposed wood. She wanted to immediately ask the night wood grounds, but feel the need to explain something bad happens, he is kind of cruelty, not asked to exit. Abdu'l in the back asleep. Wood told apricots night, she was going to go for a walk to the factory. During this walk home together, they do not talk. They pass through the territory of the shrine, take a shortcut home. It is the seat of the local well-known shrine.
Company Name: | China drawstring bags manufacturer |
Company Address: | xicheng |
Zip: | 325802 |
Contact Person: | Senka |
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