Established in 2000,as an experienced manufacturer and exporter,Ningbo Yinzhou Boda Suitcase and Bag Co.,Ltd.(Boda) specializes in producing various bags,such as women's funky handbags, shoulder bags,travel bags,backpacks,evening bags,cosmetic bags,shopping bags,cool bags,leather bags,wallets etc.Most of our products are sold to over 60 countries throughout Europe and North America.Our 4000-square-meter factory turns out at most 200,000 bags monthly. Competitive price, top quality, prompt delivery and dedicated workforce ensure us provide our customers with satisfactory services.We also have our sales department together with our factory which improve our work efficiency much. We have employed more than 200 staff members who are working in different departments: 1. Sales Dept.: 5 staff members responsible for daily communication with customers, offering excellent services &am