Are you looking for laptop bags, backpacks, PVC bags, net bags and suit cases for your promotional package projects in China? We are the right supplier for you. Weili Bag Factory, established in 2001, is making custom-designed bags for special packaging and promotional usage. We have been exporting bags since 2001, delivering products to Europe, North and South America, Australia and Asia. We offer high-quality bags with various designs. 9 production lines and 8 Computer stitching machines are waiting for your large quantity ordering, OEM or ODM orders are warmly welcome. Our company lies in Xiasha Industrial Zone, close to Guang-Shen Expressway, 60km from Shenzhen International Airport and only 100km to Guangzhou International Airport. It takes 30 minutes' drive from Dongguan Changping Railway Station to our company and 1 hour from Hong Kong to Changping by train. We