J-Gifts International (HK) Limited was established in 1997. We have our own bag factory and plastic factory. We are specialized in making different kinds of bags, plastic items and premium gifts. For bags, we have our own sample making department. We provide one stop service from making sample to mass production. Our bag items include camera bags, travel bags, backpacks, school bags, shopping bags, cosmetic pouches, lunch bags, tote bags etc. We offer good quality silk screen printing, heat transfer printing, image printing on farbics. Our bags made of different kinds of material such as Nylon, Polyester, T/C, Cotton, PVC, PU, Real Leather etc. Our material can cope with EN standards. For plastics, we produce all kinds of figurines, mobile phone straps, character pen tops, coin boxes and plastic / rubber key holders. We have our own plaster department to provide mock-up sample. W