Guangzhou Li Qiang Leather Co., Ltd., established in 2002, is a private company specializing in manufacturing a variety of handbags, wallets, traveling bags and other related products. Our company is located in Guangzhou of China and is only 15 kilometers away from Baiyun International Airport. Thus, our company enjoys very convenient transportation. We have many years of experience in exporting handbags and all of our products are exported to North America and Europe. We take very strict quality control in every process of handbag production to meet customers' needs. Our factory covers an area of 3600 square meters, with 150 workers. At the same time, we also have our subsidiary factory in Henan Province, with an area of 7000 square meters and 300 workers. With strong capability in designing and qualified talents, we have created our own brand -Yamenglu. Owing to fashio