Suppliers Dongguan Brilliant Dragon Handbag Factory
Company Info

Dongguan Brilliant Dragon Handbag Factory was set up in Dong Guan City, Guang Dong Province, China. We have over 10 years' experiences in almost all the bags, such as diaper bags (mommy bags), lunch bags, beach bags, backpacks, wallets, school bags, shopping bags, and children's trolleys. We also produce a lot of OEM bags for big customers. In 2007, we invested a factory in Hubei producing baby garments and bags. This move was very successful as it avoided the labor shortage problem in Guang Dong during that year. We have also successfully established the baby garment business in the US market. Our end customers include Disney Stores in the UK, Target in the US, JC Penny in the US, Burlington in the US, and Woolworth in the UK. For the fast return time of OEM samples from our customers, we have set up a full equipped sample room in our factory which can do the silk screen a

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Contact us
Company Name: Dongguan Brilliant Dragon Handbag Factory 
Company Address: Bldg A,Liantang Industrial Zone,Zhuyuan Villiage,Liaobu Town,Dongguan city,Guangdong Province,China 
Zip: 523400 
Contact Person: Ms. Vicky You 
Telephone Number: 86-769-82874913 
Mobile: 13826595280 
Fax Number: 86-769-81113502 
Company Info