Baoding Baigou Guangliang Bags Factory has more than 10 year' experience in manufacturing all kinds of bags,and specializes in producing lady bags/handbags made of PU,PVC.Our main products which are exported to foreign countries with high quality such as Europe ,Russia, Asia,the Middle East etc.are warmly welcomed by local market,and our company has built steady business relationships with them .Every month,20-100 new products which are very fashionable and creative will be designed by our own designers and sample makers,and they will be showed in our showroom and shops.If you are intersted in that,just contact me!We have set up a steady supply chain in both material and printing ,which can provide qualified materials in time,and all the manufacturing processes are under strict quality control by QC department.Besides,all the OEM and ODM will be warmly welcomed!Customer's satisfa