Established in 1989, Shenzhen Yixing Handbag Factory is a professional manufacturer of luggage and bags. We can also supply garments, silk-screen products, plastic and hardware products via cooperation with various factories. All the factories are equipped with advanced equipment, well-trained operators, skilled technicians, experienced and effective management. We have our own R&D Center. According to client's concept and requirement, we can design and develop many kinds of related products. We also welcome OEM orders from any countries. In the field of luggage and bags, we have the latest and advanced equipment, including 16 computerized long-arm sewing machines, 4 sets of 4-post hydraulic pressure cutting machines, 70 Seiko high-position sewing machines, 15 high speed lockstitch machines, 120 synchronous sewing machines and DY machines, 230 electric sewing machines, EV