Success Handbag Factory (Jiangmen) Ltd. which was established in 1994 and is located in Xinhui City, Guangdong Province, China. The Xinhui City is near the Pearl River and famous for the convenient transportation by sea and road. Success Handbag Factory (Jiangmen) Ltd. is a H.K. private enterprise and has rich experiences in manufacturing various series of bags, specially the fashionable handbags, high class cosmetic bags, casual bags and sports bags. They are very popular in U.K.,U.S.A., Japan, South Korea, Australia and the other parts of the world. In our 4800sq meters’manufacturing area, 350 skillful workers can manufacture 200,000 pieces of various bags monthly. In order to satisfy you in pursuing the high quality of the products, we frequently not only update our equipment, improve the production procedure, but also set up the creative spirit, perfect management and the st