Suppliers Xinxiang Patron Saint Special Fabric Co., Ltd. top-grade antistatic exposure suit fabrics
Details for China top-grade antistatic exposure suit fabrics

top-grade antistatic exposure suit fabrics

top-grade antistatic exposure suit fabrics
Product Type:

Fabric >> Special fabric

Keyword: top-grade antistatic exposure suit fabrics
If you are interested, please contact us!
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Detailed Product Description
Specifications: Top-grade antistatic exposure suit fabrics is one kind of perpetual antistatic clothing fabrics made from improted electrical conductive wire and superfine flat silk in leading producing method, It has two types: plain cloth and twill . It can be processed in several method, including calendering , pu coating ,anti-flock and composite . It is the best material of exposure suit .
Contact us
Company Name: Xinxiang Patron Saint Special Fabric Co., Ltd.  
Company Address: Xiaodian industrial zone, Xinxiang, China 
Contact Person: Mrs.Liang Mr.Ding 
Telephone Number: 0373-3686928 3686960 013503738106 
Mobile: 013503738106 
Fax Number: +86-373-3686911 3686960 