Pinghu Alpine Travel Goods Co. Ltd. has a true passion for travel. We have 40 years of experience in manufacturing quality travel luggage, trolley, garment bags, computer bags, sports duffle and tote bags. We began our journey in Taiwan in 1970 and set up in Xiamen, China our Chinese factory in 1987. We expanded by setting up our Zhejiang, Pinghu factory in 2009. We are vertically integrated so we manufacture our crucial components and parts like trolley, wheels, and handles. We continue our attention to detail by doing the cutting and sewing all in one roof. We are focused on quality and demand that each product we produce is reflective of our philosophy. We are excited to manufacture 3 major travel innovations in the cutting edge of travel technology: 1. SUPER-LIGHT LUGGAGE After oil prices increase, most airlines limited the size of the suitcase to not exceed 62 inch